Friday, December 18, 2009


Vision and Mission


Development in West Java in the second stage RPJP Regional or Regional RPJM year 2008-2013 requires more attention, not only to deal with unresolved issues, but also to anticipate the changes that arise in the future. West Java's position is strategically close to the capital city of West Java push role as an agent of development (development agency) for national growth.

Various global and national issues that need to be considered in resolving local issues and implications for the welfare of the community. Problems faced by the West Java among others, poverty, spatial planning and environment, growth and equitable distribution of development, limited employment opportunities, disaster mitigation and social inequality. In overcoming these problems is necessary to strengthen the leadership that is supported by the people and political aspects.

The direction of regional development policies aimed at poverty alleviation and improving the quality of community life, agriculture and maritime revitalization, expansion of employment opportunities, improving accessibility and quality of health services and education, strategic infrastructure development, trade, service and manufacturing industry competitive, rehabilitation and conservation environment and the structuring of local government structures that prepares people in West Java independence.

By considering the potential, conditions, problems, challenges and opportunities in West Java as well as considering the cultural life in the community, the Vision for Local Government of West Java Province in 2008-2013 to be achieved in the second stage of the Regional Long-Term Development of West Java Province is:

"Achieving Society of Independent West Java, Dynamic and Prosperous".

Noting that vision and paradigm changes and conditions to be faced in the future, West Java Province is expected to be more involved in the changes in national, regional, and global.

Explanation of the meaning of the vision of West Java are as follows:


is the attitude and condition of people in West Java which is able to meet their need for more progress by relying on their own ability and strength, especially in education, health, employment, public services-based e-government, energy, infrastructure, environment and water resources.


is the attitude and condition of people in West Java that are actively able to respond to opportunities and challenges of time and contribute in the development process.


is the attitude and condition of people in West Java that are born and get a sense of inner security and prosperity in life.

In order for this vision to be realized, and may encourage the effectiveness and efficiency of utilization of resources, defined the mission of West Java Province, contains a picture in which the goals and objectives.


Medium Term Development Plan of West Java Province which is the 2008-2013 second phase of the Long Term Development Plan of West Java Province 2005-2025, oriented to the development and improvement of competencies that all resources are in West Java in all areas, community self-reliance in order to prepare West Java. This will be achieved by creating economic activity that effectively and efficiently, emphasizing efforts superstructure strengthening health and education services, continued development of regional infrastructure, stabilizing the revitalization of existing infrastructure, increase agricultural productivity by utilizing sustainable technologies, to improve cooperation between the government and the private sector and communities, improve environmental quality, improve the performance of local government, intelligent planning and able to answer problems and anticipate opportunities and challenges that arise in a careful and intelligent.

Economic capability of creating employment and reducing poverty will continue to be encouraged. Regional economic policies aimed at achieving sustainable economic growth and quality through the development of the main activities (core business) based on local potential to reduce disparities between the regions prosperity. This is done through the development of agribusiness, marine business, manufacturing, services, and tourism, which is supported by the business world, investment, infrastructure and local finance.

Encouragement of economic growth is also done by accelerating the development of infrastructure for the provision of energy including electricity, as well as establishing regional infrastructure in order to support equity and economic growth.

Berlanja policies pursued by setting the spending patterns of proportionate, efficient and effective, with the principle of pro-growth, pro poor, pro-jobs, pro-environment, pro-public, through the budget allocation for the 20% education, improving the quality and quantity of health services and the use of index relevance in determining the budget budget, as well as budgeting for disaster mitigation and cooperation between regions.

Strategic issues concerning the problems associated with the phenomenon or not to be completed in a period of 5 (five) years previously and have implications for the sustainability of long-term development, will be gradually overcome these issues include accessibility and quality of public education services, community health services , availability of infrastructure and services, handling of poverty and unemployment, handling natural disasters, environmental control, handling of labor, government and politics, population control, economic empowerment, cultural appreciation and the government of autonomous regions.

In order to anticipate conditions and existing problems and with regard to the challenges ahead taking into account the opportunities that are owned, then the mission statement of West Java province in order to achieve Vision 2013 West Java defined in 5 (five) following the mission, to reach people in West Java are independent, dynamic and prosperous.

Mission First, Realizing Human Resources West Java Productive and competitive.


1. Encouraging community towards improving the quality of education, health, and employment competencies;

2. West Java to make the community a healthy, noble character and master science and technology.


1. Tuntasnya illiteracy eradication programs;

2. Increased access and quality of education especially for completing compulsory education and 9 years of compulsory declaration for 12 years of school-age children;

3. Increased access and quality health services especially for maternal and child health;

4. Increased social services and prevention of disaster victims;

5. Increasing gender equality;

6. Increasing the quality and the protection of labor;

7. The increasing role of youth and sports achievements in the development of quality of life and the life of society;

8. Increasing the quality of religious life;

9. Revitalization of cultural values and local wisdom.

Mission Second, Improving Regional Economic Development Based Local Potential.


Increasing purchasing power and community food security through the development of economic activities based on local potential.


1. Increased regional economic activity based on local potential;

2. Increased opportunities and employment;

3. The increasing role of institutional and capital KUMKM in local economic development competitive;

4. The increased investment to encourage job creation;

5. Fulfillment of people's food needs.

Third Mission, Improving Availability and Quality of Regional Infrastructure.


Provide infrastructure that can support regional economic activity, social and cultural.


1. Availability of a reliable transport infrastructure and integrated communications to support the movement of people, goods and services;

2. Availability of water resources infrastructure and reliable irrigation to support the conservation and utilization of water resources, and control of destructive force of water;

3. Increasing service coverage and quality of energy and electricity infrastructure in West Java;

4. Increasing community access to basic facilities and housing (including garbage, water, waste water);

5. The realization of security and harmony in the infrastructure development.

Fourth Mission, Increasing Power and capacity Support Environment for Sustainable Development.


Achieve balance and sustainable environmental development.


1. Uncontrolled growth, the number and spread of population;

2. Reduced levels of pollution, environmental damage, and the risk of disasters;

3. Increasing function of the protected area of West Java;

4. Implementation of sustainable spatial planning;

5. Increased availability and utilization of alternative energy and environmentally friendly renewable energy such as geothermal, wind, and solar.

Mission Fifth, Improving Local Government Effectiveness and Quality of Democracy.


1. Develop an increasingly professional bureaucracy and accountable;

2. Achieve and maintain a democratic spirit of nationality.


1. Increased performance and discipline competency-based personnel;

2. Realization of management institutions and local government and local financial management accountable and implement information technology;

3. Increased public services can be accessed easily and quickly by the whole society;

4. Increased performance of the village administration and rural development;

5. Increased development and legal development in the region;

6. The increasing role of government and society in the maintenance of public order and public tranquility;

7. Increased regional cooperation in development;

8. Increasing the role and function of political parties;

9. Strengthening the role of civil society in political life;

10. The growing development of the life of society, nation and state.

In order to realize the 5 (five) mission, based on religious values and cultural areas, with the principles of governance, as follows:

1. Good Governance (governance governance), namely the management and good stewardship of government free of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) to create a solid state administration, responsible, effective and efficient, maintaining harmony with the constructive interaction between domains countries, private and society;

2. Integrity (integrity), which is a unity of behavior inherent in the moral principles and ethics, especially regarding the moral character and honesty, which is produced from a consistent value system;

3. Quality and Accountability (quality and accountability), which is a level of perfection, is the personal characteristics that can provide results that exceed the needs or expectations, and a form of responsibility for the actions, decisions and policies that have considered the rules, governance and implementation, in the view of law and transparent governance;

4. The equitable distribution of development, namely the effort to realize improved quality of life and welfare of the community to reduce poverty, inequality between regions, and social disparities among community groups, through the access needs of basic social services including housing and its facilities and infrastructure, and providing opportunities for all layers community to tackle unemployment by balancing economic development of small scale, medium, and large;
The use of data and information are integrated (One Data and Information West Java) is accurate, renewable and accountable. The document consists of data and spatial information (spatial) and a-spatial (non-spatial).

source: official site jabar