Lute flute
The flute is a device Kacapi Sundanese waditra contained in almost every area in Tatar Sunda. Waditranya consists of Kacapi and flute. Kacapinya of Goon or Kacapi Parahu Kacapi or Kacapi bun.
Besides instrumental presented, Kacapi flute can also be used to accompany singing Savior Sekar Anggana songs or Rampak Sekar Sekar. Sajikannya songs in them: Sinom Degung, Kaleon, Talutur and others.
Barrel in the barrel pergunakannya Salendro, Pelog or Sorog. Unlike the flute or Kacapi as Kacapian when using Kacapi siter. It is not unusual except Kacapi siter and also added flute at 1 (kebabs) set Kendang and 1 (one) set of Goong. Pergunakannya barrel in the barrel just as common in use shows that use flute Kacapi Parahu Kacapi the "barrel Salendro, Pelog, Sorog. Santol flutes that use Santol siter, but also presents the instrumental use to accompany singing (kawih) both Anggana Sekar as well as Rampak Sekar.
Songs presented Anggana Sekar is like: Malati on Mount Guntur, Sagagang Kembang Ros and others. As for Rampak Sekar Seuneu of Bandung, Weak Cai and others.
In a good development that uses Kacapi Flute and Kacapi Parahu Kacapi Sitter, used for sexing the narrative accompanying the show Ngaras Sunda and Sunda Panganten SIRAMAN, SIRAMAN Slave circumcision, SIRAMAN Tingkeban. Besides also presented instrumental songs tailored to the needs rumpakanya event will be conducted. The song is presented taken from the songs Tembang Sunda
As such Candrawulan, Jemplang Reef, Kapati-starch or Kaleon and others. Some are taking kawih songs or songs in Tembang Sundanese Panambih like them Senggot Pangemat, Pupunden Ati and others.
Besides Kecapi device and there are also devices Flute Violin and Santol Santol Rebab who brought the songs the same. In the presentation, Santol plays the melody while the framework of the song played by flute, violin or Rebab. The scales or barrel in Sundanese Karawitan called with Surupan, some are on call with Salendro, Pelog and Sorog.
Flute Kacapi now many favorite of youngsters, both in rural areas even in urban areas want. Because to learn to copy from cassette tapes that many Kacapi Flute circulating in the community.
Especially for harp instrument, currently used by some arts groups buffoonery ¿¿as accompanist. Like the often seen, the show ¿¿Ukok Mang. Lute main complement lantunannya not only accompany Sundanese songs, but also songs asing.a
(Source: www.westjavatourism.com)