Sunday, December 27, 2009


Regency Bandung


Located in between 6041'-7019 'South Latitude and 107022'-10805th' East Longitude.
Area ² = 2324.84 KMA. The limits of Bandung Regency.
North side: Regency of Purwakarta and Subang Regency
East: District Sumedang and Garut District
South side: District Garut and Cianjur Regency
West side: District of Cianjur
Middle: Bandung municipality


Population Total = 4,335,578 inhabitants.
Male = 2,221,740 inhabitants.
Women = 2113838 inhabitants.
Number of Households = 1,172,020 KK.
The level of the occupation density of 54 inhabitants / ha. Administratively, Bandung regency government area consist of:

* Area 43 District
* 233 Village Area
* Area of District 203

Regency Bandung which is hollow in the highlands of the morphology Bandung consisting of flat regions / sloping, foothills and mountains. The slope of the slope varies between 0.8%, 8-15 to over 45% Area Bandung district affected by the tropical monsoon climate with rainfall average ranges from 1500 to 4000 mm / year, average temperatures range from 190C up to 24 C with air kelembababan varied between 78% in the rainy season and 70% in the dry musin.